Saturday, December 13, 2014

Producers and Consumers

Grass are a kind of producer who feed many herbivores . Rabbits are one primary consumer grass feed . Those carnivores who eat rabbits are secondary consumer .There have some tertiary consumers that might eat the secondary consumers .

Leaves are producer who feed some herbivores such as giraffe . Giraffe are one primary consumers tree leaves feed . Lions are secondary consumers giraffe feed . They don't have tertiary consumers .

Locusts are one primary comsumer cabbage feed . Birds are feed themselves by eating those bugs .So birds are secondary conummer . There are some tertiAry consumers that eat secondary consumers such as  sneak .

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cellular Respiration

Section 4.4

     Cellular respiration releases chemical energy from sugar and others carbon-based molecules to make ATP when oxygen is present . Cellular respiration is a aerobic process . Cell respiration take place in mitochondria , which are often called "powerhouses" because they made most of a cell's ATP . Glycolysis  splits glucose into two three-carbon molecules and makes two molecules of ATP. Glycolysis was probably among the first biochemical processes to evolve .The Krebs cycle produces molecules that carry energy to the second part of cellular respiration.
  Eukaryotes   break down molecules from food to produce ATP . Cellular respiration produce ATP by breaking down sugars . Cell respiration take place in mitochondria . Glycolysis are necessary in cell respiration . The products of glycolysis are broken down in mitochondria to make more ATP .

Section 4.5

   Glycolysis is an ongoing process in all cells .It takes place in the cytoplasm before cellular respiration, and it does not require oxygen.The pyruvate and NADH produced by glycolysis are used for cellular respiration when oxygen is present.The Krebs cycle breaks down citric acid and transfers energy to the electron transport chain.The electron transport chain is the second main part of cellular respiration.
 There are three stage of cellular respiration : Glycolysis ,  the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain .The pyruvate and NADH produced by glycolysis are used for cellular respiration when oxygen is present.The Krebs cycle breaks down citric acid and transfers energy to the electron transport chain .The electron transport chain takes place in and across the inner membrane of a mitochondrion .Oxygen is needed at the end of the process to pick up electrons that have gone through the chain .

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Leaves and Photosynthesis

This is a kind of  tree named " populus alba " . The tree is  very common . Populus alba have strong ability to survive . It's usually as tall as 15~30 meter .It is in direct sun-light . The leaves are 4–15 cm long .The leaves on the tree are about 1 million leaves .

   This plant named Gomphrena globosa, commonly known as Globe Amaranth or Bachelor Button, is an annual plant that grows up to 24 inches in height . I was planted it out of my house . I don't even need to water it everyday .Because here is always rain . It's growth very fast . The leaves are 5 - 10 cm long . I'm not sure how many leaves on the plant . Because it's growing . 

  The front color of the leaves are green than the  color back of the leaves . That means more chlorophyll are stay at the front .That's in favour of photosynthesis happens .

Saturday, November 8, 2014


      In animal world , they always evolve by mutation . Sometimes it's good . Sometimes it's bad . For  mutation  I have an idea about that chicken can fly as a bird .We all know chicken  looks like bird , they have wings but they can't fly as a bird .  

    Those chicken in farm are  been domesticated long time ago .But those chicken in the wild will fly as a bird because they have to adapt the environment . They have to feed themselves every . So that must be  improve their flying ability . That will make their predators feel (insect) some threat . The population of their predators will be reduce .
         I think this is the result of natural selection . 

Saturday, October 4, 2014


This kind of fox named "Red Fox" . Red fox is largest size and common fox in the world , body lengh of 80 cm  . The species feeds on small rodents , thought it may also target rabbits and birds  . Red fox are belong  to vulpes genus V.vulpes species from the Canidae family .

        Dog ,wolf and Jackal also belong to  Canidae family .

Saturday, September 27, 2014


This small furry animal is named rabbit . Rabbits are small mammals .The most obvious adaptation a rabbit has is its ability to reproduce at a very rapid rate. This is followed by the fact that they eat a wide variety of vegetation .Rabbits have many other adaptations . Rabbits have strong hind legs which help them hop at a fast rate when they are at risk from predators . They have long ears help rabbit have very strong hearing to listen out for nearby predators .

  Foxes are omnivores. belonging canine  . Fox usually lives in  forests . Fox habitat in forests, grasslands, semi-desert and hills, living in tree holes . They eat a lot of animals such as birds , rabbits and  insects .Grass is very usefulness . Many animals are eat grass . Foxes and grass are interact with rabbits . Rabbits eat grass . Rabbits eaten by foxes . 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Site Description

This is a picture of Wuhuan Jr. Sr. High School where I  spend my junior time . There are some objects made by human .From this picture , you can see there has  a lot of shrub around this school . As you see , there has some big trunk  . In my memory , these are poplar . And those small tree are look like coconut tree but they are not . There never have any coconut on those tree .I think those are a kind of palm tree .The floor was wet .This shows that is a rainy day . So I think there has some mushroom hide in the grass .

I forgot when did I take this picture . But I still remember it's  a park at my hometown . It's a beautiful place .I was stay near by the lake .The lake is dirty .Because some people always like throw garbage into the lake .You can see there has a nice little bridge near by those willow . And there has a stage for those people who wants to fishing over here .I love the view .That's why I like photography .You can imagine that some cute little fish swimming in the lake .And I want to remind you " Don't throw the garbage anywhere except the trash can".

I were taken this picture in a small farm .People use the iron net protect those animal . That' s a really interesting farm . I were saw some horses , lambs and dear in the small farm . And the animal in this picture was named Peacock .Peacocks are large , colorful pheasants .And I like their feather .It's so beautiful when they spreading . These tail feathers ,or coverts ,spread out in a distinctive train that is more than 60 percent of bird's total body length and boast colorful "eye" makings of blue , gold ,red ,and other hues .